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Montgomery County asks internet users to help with speed tests

Montgomery County is joining with other Virginia counties to map broadband availability by starting their own local Internet speed testing campaign. Residents with Internet access are asked to take the Accelerate Virginia speed test to help identify areas in the county in need of better access to high-speed Internet services. To take the survey and speed test please visit the website:

The Accelerate Virginia Internet speed test is a two-minute simple online survey and speed test that measures the overall quality and performance of your Internet connection.  Upon completion of the speed test users will receive performance details regarding their Internet connection, as well as a comparison summary based on other speed test results in your community.

Because numerous, often temporary factors affect connection speed, you may want to take the speed test more than once, at different dates and times. The average of those readings will present the most reliable overall measure of your connection capabilities.  Factors that may influence Internet speed include: configuration of computer, network or Internet congestion, and server and router speeds.
The Accelerate Virginia campaign’s goal is to collect 300-500 speed tests per county. The data will provide county officials with a more accurate understanding of broadband availability, as well as identify areas of potential need for improved services.  The more participation we have the better the assessment will be for Montgomery County.

Accelerate Virginia was launched in 2010 as an extension of the Virginia Tech eCorridors program and is responsible for the collection of consumer broadband availability data for Virginia’s  broadband mapping initiative.

The Virginia Broadband Map can help residents understand the type of broadband service available at any location in the state as well as the level of upload/download speeds that are available at that location.

If you cannot receive high speed Internet services at your address, please register your broadband dead zone at:

Users of Apple iPhone or Android mobile platforms are encouraged to install the free ‘FCC Broadband Test’ App to test the speed of their mobile connection.

Taken from WSLS-TV 10
Published: May 30, 2012
By: Town of Blacksburg news release


  1. very nice post i like it very much .... thanks a lot for this post .... you are the legend

    i tested my Internet Speed it was 548 KBPS !
    my connection was 1 Mbps (ISP Offers)
    is it good enough ?

    How do i increase speed ?

  2. Vishnu, I think the only way to increase your speed is to choose a provider that offers faster service.

  3. Thank you all for making this blog great,. here I am checking my Internet connection at where it shows accurate speed of my Internet connection.
