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Strike up the (broad) band: county initiates connection conversation

We are encouraged to hear the Orange County Board of Supervisors is discussing the limited broadband access in Orange County and that Orange County Economic Development Director Karen Epps is trying to do something about it.

For the most part, broadband access in Orange County is currently confined to towns of Orange and Gordonsville and the densely populated neighborhoods in the county’s eastern end and absent any dramatic changes in the county’s composition, is likely to stay that way.

Still, that doesn’t mean we have to be connection-content. As supervisor Shannon Abbs noted, broadband access is no more a luxury than paved roads and water and sewer service. It’s a fundamental need for our daily lives, whether we’re conducting commercial enterprises, online transactions or simply communicating.

Epps recently signed up the county for what is essentially a local connection speed test. The program, Accelerate Virginia, encourages citizens to log on and run a speed test from their homes which will help create a database profiling the extent of the county’s broadband needs.

“We hope to use [the database] as far as working with service providers in terms of getting them to improve coverage in our area,” said Epps. While it won’t guarantee a provider will make the kind of investment required to increase connection speeds countywide (which would be substantial), the county will at least have a better idea of its citizens’ interest in the service and where its needs are greatest.

While carriers will want a substantial density of users to justify running miles of expensive cable, the county can’t solicit potential providers without the data to support any need-based claims.

The data collection is currently open and will end after 30 days, at which point Epps said the county will study the findings and use them to portray the need of the county.

We can talk all we want about recruiting economic development, but where rail lines and highways were once primary determining factors, high-speed access is now a critical determinant among corporate considerations. This study at least attempts to measure our shortcomings so we can begin addressing them.

Citizens can participate in the speed test by going to Our participation is an investment in a better future for our community. Thanks to the county for getting the ball rolling.

Taken from Orange County Review
Published: May 16, 2012
By: Orange News Staff

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